5 reasons you should befriend your lover first
Identifying who is more suitable for you in the future is not an easy affair. Is it possible to befriend a lover first? As time passes love continues to flourish when it is based on friendship. Befriending can give your relationship advantage in the future. So let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons you should befriend a lover first.
1. Know your partner
You get to know him or her without being emotionally tied. You are better off finding out some things about your partner before getting into a serious relationship. A relationship brings an emotional connection that prevents you from thinking objectively. As a friend you enter into a relationship where you can be able to have a natural conversation with your partner. Befriending reveals shared interests, hobbies, culture, dreams, convictions, and hopes of your partner. What makes this special? Believe it or not, you may never run out of the conversation.
2. You need more than a lover in a relationship
Friendship is a vital part of a relationship. Getting someone who is first your friend before becoming a lover in the relationship has numerous benefits. You can have a satisfying relationship with your friend if you can link with them both emotionally and sexually. The friendship determines whether the relationship will be long-term or not. Couples can solve myriad of relationship problems when they focus on being friends. Befriending a lover first can help pool the weed of misunderstanding that crops up in most relationships.
3. You can place confidence in each other
Befriending your lover first builds a relationship that borders around understanding, assurance, and reliability. The dislikes are likes are more transparent because you give each other time and space. Before you turn into lovers you will learn each other’s weaknesses, preferences, and strengths. The secret is you can carefully take a decision without hurting each other. The fact of the matter is befriending is like an appraisal for your future. When couples understand each other’s territory it helps build their confidence in the relationship.
4. To have a good match
Building a friendship before dating, deepens your love beyond passion. When you begin the relationship at physical level romantic love fizzles out. Befriending is an assurance that you are not out for a short-term fling but a long-term relationship. Sex is a way you express your intimacy towards your partner. Unfortunately, sex can make you jump into a relationship quickly by distracting you from knowing the partner well.
5. No making a fresh start
Building a friendship before dating allows you to gel together, crack jokes and chit-chat. The beauty of gelling is you get to uncover interesting facts about each other. Spending time together increases the genuine excitement towards each other. When you need a friend to talk to you can have a heart-to-heart conversation.
As much as it is a catch 22 building a friendship before dating, many people get into the relationship with their eyes wide open. Friendship touches many areas of a relationship besides sex. You step out of the friendship into a growing romantic relationship. The fact is you need the motivation to stay in a relationship.