5 Things to Note about Digital Surrealism

Alya Khemji
3 min readJul 5, 2018


Surrealism is not just a style of art or a fun word to say rather it’s a cultural movement as well. This cultural movement readily expressed through literature, visual art or even politics. French poet and critic, Andre Breton was the founder and chief theorist of Surrealism. The preeminent surrealistic images are fascinating because they are strange. Today, technology has overtaken the efforts of an artist to create digital surreal art more expediently. Digital Surrealism is an artistic work that uses digital work as an essential part of the art process. To further explain digital surrealism lets discuss 5 things to note about digital surrealism and artists who have contributed their efforts in this field.

Emergence of digital technology in Surreal Art:

Digital surrealism is a bit different from former surrealism where artists used to paint through hands, without any external assistance. In digital method, a computer-used art is developed within one of the defining methods to create a vision of the artist itself. Use of technology in Surrealism has blatantly changed the perspectives of people’s thinking. People can draw digital art through computerized devices and usually by using Photoshop software.

Digital Surreal Artists:

Digital surrealism has overhauled new ways to create surreal art more conveniently and expediently. Top artists, who have displayed their work in digital surrealism are John Brosio, Leif Podhajsky, Nicole Watt, Casey Weldon and many others. You can view their marvelous work on social media like Instagram.

Digital Surreal Art on Sale:

Surrealism signify the metaphysical world of dreams where everything and anything is conceivable. It allows writers and painters to associate subjects without an ostensible reason. At the present time where digital art is famous among many people, you can even buy such art online. All you need to do is to have an account to pay for the art and you will get your art on spot.

More ways to express:

People are looking to develop more ideas and imagination that leads to a comprehensive surreal art. Through use of digital devices, an artist can manipulate many creative strange ideas in one art to express creative imagination. In old times when surreal art was limited in depicting thoughts, digital surreal art has a vast room to create more creativity. This might have also reduced the efforts of artist while developing an art. Besides, one cannot deny that without unleashing your mind you can may not succeed in evolving such art. Major genres used in digital art include digital collage, digital painting, CGI or 3D rendering, Digital animation and photo manipulation.

Digital Surrealism- A new Pathway:

Surrealist web design is now opening new doors to testify strange, new planet. New techniques have now been embraced with the advent of digital age. Many artists prefer to use digital ways of creating surreal art rather than traditional methods. Many people are more attracted towards digital arts since superfluous and gradient ideas are displayed. Such art is available massively around the world.

If you are a fan of surreal art and want to create a strange creative art, you can use digital technology to paint such art. All you need is to unleash your mind, bring new ideas and imagination and combine it together to form your own surreal art. But remember that, while creating surrealist art, photo manipulation is the favorite technique among defined methods.

