Famous Pop art paintings

Each year exhibitions about famous oil painting are held in local, regional, and global arenas where artists showcase their works judged by a special juror. Organizers announce a winning paint and the artist awarded. Below are some of the famous pop art paintings that have won awards in the art scene. We have chosen for you 6 famous pop artworks that leaves a deep mark in the 20th century and beyond. Suzi Nassif continues to step on the ladder of success when for instance she was nominated for the prestigious Palms Art award 2016.
#1 Phases of the Moon!
Phases of the Moon, pop artwork is iconic. With a combination of 5 styles namely pop art, fine art, illustration, portraiture and figurative. Suzi’s artwork depicts four significant faces that women pass through in their life particularly every month. A woman can constantly change from pretty to prettier. She uses different mediums such as charcoal, aluminum ink, oil, and acrylic for this masterpiece.
#2 Dramatic Society
Suzi Nassif has received the Palm Art Award in 2016 for her famous Pop art piece the Dramatic Society. Did you know that faces are the first things we notice about people? We can evaluate someone based on the facial expression. In Dramatic Society painting, Suzi Nassif reveals to us both clear and strong facial expressions showing her subjects true feelings. She is dramatizing the facial expressions of each of her characters. In the painting, you can see happy, anger, disgust, and interest faces which are universal across all cultures. Dramatic Society painting leaves its viewers with the lingering curiosity of its meaning.
#3 Che Frida
The award-winning painting is evidence of Suzi’s intense love affair for Latino art — viva la Vida. In the painting, Che Frida, Suzi’s subject dons a mustache. At the COYA Dubai 2016 exhibition, the famous Pop art attribute to raising awareness of the wellbeing of men for a period of six weeks.
Pop art emergence in the mid-1950s was generated by the intrinsic response to the dominant abstract expressionism. Pop arts popularity is from the objects it uses to inspire the artist’s work.
#4 The drowning girl
The famous oil painting by Roy Lichtenstein in 1963 depicts a teary woman on a turbulent sea. Besides The DROWNING GIRL, some of Roy’s creations include Mickey Mouse and POPEYE. Despite critics having huffs about his work, his masterpieces left lasting allure example the Museum of Modern Art acquired the famous pop art in 1971 as part of a permanent collection. Roy is a pop art pioneer.
MARILYN DIPTYCH is an explicit reference to Marilyn Monroe. The masterpiece is the notable works of the famous port artists Andy Warhol. He chose Marylyn because of the media’s obsession with celebrity faces at the time. Certainly, people would remember her face from the specific photo. He put a lot of thought on his work.
Suzi Nassif and many artists across the globe strive to create famous oil painting that transcends time as well as historical concepts. The great works of numerous famous pop artists find their works in the world’s top museums.