How to Pick the best Artists in Dubai
Art continues to be the language that unites everyone in Dubai, regardless of culture, creed, race, or origin. That’s why it is vital to continue to visit art galleries, fairs, and centers to see some of the artworks belonging to the best artists in Dubai. The talent of these artists is undeniable.
Who are the top Dubai Painters in 2020? Who is defining the landscape of art in Dubai? Many Dubai Painters produce art suitable for art collectors, commissions, and showing in galleries. Art exhibitions are a portal to discover the infectious productions of the rich cultural heritage and contemporary art practices from Latin America, Asia, and African countries.
#1We recommend you visiting an artistic center or gallery first to identify the artist.
What is Art Gallery? Want to pick the best Artists in Dubai? A gallery is a space or room for displaying works of art. Many artistic centers, art fairs, and galleries in Emirati not limited to Art Dubai, Tashkeel, Third Line, Lawrie Shabibi, and Hunar Gallery, now offer profiles online for artists in Dubai. The galleries provide tons of opportunities for Dubai painters to showcase skillset and display their artwork.
The Dubai art fair continues to highlight artists in Dubai, curators, and Dubai painters. Galleries like Lawrie Shabibi welcome artists from all over the world. It is so good to hear there is still so much creativity among young Dubai painters. Hunar is a place to find creative stuff during exhibitions from young and upcoming artists. Tashkeel is the gallery showcasing the works of both internal and local Dubai Painters. The studio supports artists from various backgrounds.
#2 If, possibly get to know the Dubai painters
Read up about the artists on their website or follow their Instagram to see their works. For a more intimate view, join their email list. Social media is a popular way to search for successful Dubai Painters. Most artists showcase their best artwork and promote themselves as creative. For instance, Tasneem Alsultan (@tasneemalsultan), known for her work on gender in the Saudi Arabia area, has 2619 Instagram likes.
#3 do a potential interview before you start working with them. It is not an audition passé but a platform to get to know the artist at a personal level.
#4 look at the painter’s track record. Does the painter have a sales history? Most people confuse talent in art and the ability to sell. When artwork does not sell, it has not landed in a collector’s hand.
#5 is the artwork bringing something new?
What is value in the painter? Is the painting iconic? Creative artist can express their life experiences. In music, for example, a person can play a favorite song that has lyrics and melodies that they seem to identify with emotionally. What is the emotion the artist feels that can’t replicate in words?
#6 what is the price estimations of the artist works. Pricing increases the chances of artwork purchases.
Due to the unstable nature of the artwork, it is a matter of luck to pick the best artists. Visiting art hangouts like galleries, fairs, exhibitions activity helps with the process of identifying the best artist. If you visit small galleries, you’ll meet new and unknown talents. What makes a good artist is the craftsmanship, creativity, and imagination of the individual. Shapes and blobs can look pretty on the living room walls, but again, what is the message? People make exceptions for Dubai painters whose creativity border change in a community.