Stress busting strategies for parents
Parenting is something about constant learning. But someone cannot be a good parent if is in constant state of stress, it does not matter your intentions are positive or not. Well it is a matter of fact that life now a days is quite stress generative, but if one parent is stressed it will eventually affect the other one. So stress tends to happen no matter what the situation is, what matter is our reaction towards it. It is our responsibility as parents to manage stress of our own. What as a parent you want for your children to have best or the left of you?
A three split methodology works to be the best:
- Take down the stress giving factors of your life.
- Keep yourself healthy and fit so you have the power to deal with any curve ball that life intends to throw at you
- Be aware of your attitude and whenever you start to stress out immediately make efforts to switch the swings.
Here I will make you aware of stress busting strategies based on the stated methodologies that will help you manage.
Just breathe deeply and calmly.
Noticing your breath is like using a pause button. It brings you back into the moment, so you have a choice. Do you really want to get hijacked by the stress and end up yelling at your kid, or could you choose a better way to handle things?
Breathing may seem a simple solution to you still it can change one’s life. No matter what ever the situation is just breath. By taking deep and calm breaths you get more of oxygen which eventually decreases the amount of stress hormones within one’s body.
Pare the schedule down.
Most of the stress in our lives is caused by the schedule that we make and follow but that is clearly our choice. We think that it helps but in reality it just cost stress nothing much. We should prioritize our relations and kids instead of giving priority to the schedule. It okay if your house remains untidy a little longer but the time that you spend with your kids is eternal and stress relieving.
Sleep tends to be one of the best stress buster. Our body utilizes our sleep time to restore and heal better biochemical equilibrium. Sleep proves to be a little hard because it is totally out of one’s control. You can go to sleep when your kids do, by practicing this discipline your mood will get better and the anxiety that you might face will be reduced.
Give up your perfectionism.
Obviously life gets a bit messy with parenting but it is not a valid reason to postpone happiness and love. Acceptance of what you are will set you at ease. No one in this world is perfect, the concept of perfectionism is just an illusion so it would be better for you to step into reality and accept what you are. You may not be a perfect parent but you can prove to be best one for your kid. All that you have to do is nurture yourself and practice some optimistic self-talks. Moreover stop judging yourself on the basis of your kid’s behavior.