Tips for Displaying Original Art in your home
Showing off that original piece of art in your home can be hard but showing it off and getting the best response from your guests is what we are going for. Who can deny that original art is simply beautiful and of course very pricy. Once you acquire that original piece from an art gallery, hanging it in the perfect place in your home is the next step. Different pieces will have different sentimental value to people. One will buy art to hang it in the bedroom because it reminds them of an inspiring time. Another will buy art and want it all to himself, in this instance, the art will be displayed in a more private room like the study or bedroom. Before hanging that beautiful art piece in your lovely home, here are some of the things you should consider.
1. Interior Home Design — This needs an interior design that blends in with almost any original art painting that will be hang on the wall. An original piece of art might end up looking hideous and in some cases misplaced if it will not blend with the interior home décor. In such instances, taking advice from an interior home designer will need you to move a few things around in order to incorporate the art.
2. Lighting — There are some paintings which look better under a lot of natural light while others glow in the dark. In such cases, you would like to hang your painting next to as much natural light in the house that will make the painting look brighter. For the paintings that glow in the dark, having it in an intimate setting like your bedroom is the best place to appreciate its beauty.
3. Size of the painting — The main focus of grand paintings is of course to show off. However, when it is misplaced or placed alongside other big paintings it might not necessarily stand out as you want. For big size original art work, it will need to be the only piece of art in the living room with as much space on the walls as it can have. A single painting in the living room that will cover up the centre piece will be enough and adding any other paintings alongside it might be a bit too much. If you would rather save the living room space for more intimate family photos, then hanging it in the hallway will be the right way to go. This way, it will look inviting and not over crowded.
There are many other aspects to consider when it comes to hanging original art work in your home. Some of them may include, color scheme and how valuable the painting is to you. Original art work appreciates over the years and learning to appreciate art work is in general learning to appreciate creativity and beauty. However, gauging the painting’s sentimental value to you will guide you on the perfect place to hang the painting in your lovely home.