Why Skin Care Brings to Mind Women, Men Don’t Need it?
Traditionally it is women who have been associated with beauty and therefore most products that help to enhance beauty have been left to women. Cosmetic products have been targeting women since they were discovered until recently when some clique of men started taking up cosmetics as well. The skin plays a big role in shaping the beauty of a lady or the overall appearance of men too. That said, skin care products come in various types and brands all of which target women who are usually conscious of staying beautiful all the time. Skin care for women is a must have for a majority of them if not all of them. Men on the other hand don’t usually mind much about their skin. Most men will simply ensure to take a bath use some nice body lotion to help keep their skin soft and healthy.
Skin care in perspective — men and women
There is usually a belief out there that men don’t have to treat their skin like women do and in fact most men will not go far with a comprehensive skincare routine. Most skin care experts and health specialists however advises men to be more mindful of their skin. Taking care of the skin according some experts should not just be a preserve for women alone. Men who take care of their skin are said to be more likely to look younger and have healthy skin than those who don’t.
Ideal skin care products to use
One of the most important factors for any man or woman who wants to buy any skin care product to use is its quality. It is best to choose a skin care product that has no harmful ingredients or fragrance. Always choose products that are safe and preferably go for those products that are made of natural ingredients. Natural ingredients derived from plants are usually the best because they will not expose your skin to toxic chemicals.
Some of the standard skin care products that you require:
A cleanser — using a body cleanser or body wash goes a long way in ensuring that you rid your skin of the accumulated sweat, dust particles, and makeup remains that may be hanging on your skin. A good skin cleanser should help to remove all these leaving your skin clean and supple.
Moisturizer — most body creams and lotions have moisturizing agents in them to help keep the skin hydrated and nourished all the time. It is important to know the type of skin that you have whether it is oily, dry, or normal for you to be able to buy a good skin moisturizer that is suitable for you.
Exfoliation — exfoliation is the process by which the body is cleaned in certain way to rid the skin of the dead cells or old cells and open up the pores for better skin health. A good exfoliation sponge or wash should be able to do the trick for you.